
Bienvenues les filles!!! Ici c'est le mini blog de Ashley, Adrienne et Katerina! Si vous voulez, vous pouvez mettre des photos ou me laisser un message. Je repondrai le plus vite possible!!!

mardi 26 février 2008

Session 4 Feedback

Ok, you know how it goes by now... I don't think I need to explain... :P

During the last session...
-I've learnt:
-I've enjoyed:
-It was hard for me to:
-I'd like to improve:

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I've learnt that I tend to assume some words are the same in French as they are in English just because they seem familiar.

I've enjoyed watching videos to emphasize what we are learning and have things to discuss.

It was hard for me to communicate my thoughts on some things because of lack of vocabulary.

I'd like to improve on my ability to respond to questions quickly and coherently.

Ashley a dit…

I've learned that I need to work more on my pronunciation

I too enjoyed watching the video

It's hard for me to keep up with French during midterms

I'd like to improve my auditive skills